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La Courante - First Partita for solo violin by J. S. Bach

by J. S. Bach - performance by Eva Miola

  • Artist

    Eva Miola

  • Musical piece

    La Courante - First Partita for solo violin by J. S. Bach

  • Year


The Courante by J. S. Bach’s First Partita for solo violin is an elegant French dance full of contrasts and unexpected twist. This composition is the symbol of a true dialogue between different voices that never overlap, but rather mutually push each other a whirlwind of novelty. The relationship between the various registers is striking forming a multiple and fragmented but coherent melody, never leaving anything to the case. An inner motion emerges in the piece, a desire to communicate deep and conflicting emotions, constantly changing, and finally the ability to retrieve the threads of all open plots in a few moments. Everything happens very naturally, like the unstoppable flow of a river which the name of the dance is intended to recall.

Live performance