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The Human Touch

The Human Touch is a kind and friendly way of treating people that makes them feel good.
Individuals and society need, now more than ever, to experience this human characteristic, rediscovering trust in social relationships.
The artworks and artistic performances in this exhibition propose the themes of dialogue and a healthy approach to relationships, in a social perspective characterized by attention, respect, kindness and the recognition of each person in their uniqueness and value as a human being.


Creativity and well-being

The relational disease that affects more and more people, is expressed in different forms: exclusion and isolation, increased anxiety and aggression, depressive experiences and self-injurious behaviors; it’s therefore necessary to care of sociality and prevention of discomfort, helping people to develop communication skills and coping strategies, to enhance personal and collective well-being.
Scientific research, in the psychosocial and neuroscience fields, has identified creativity and accessibility to different forms of art as a resource for enhancing social well-being and promoting sociability.
Creative expressiveness, even in its amateur forms, therefore represents a vehicle of communication that can create valuable prerequisites for collective well-being.

The project

Comparing perspectives on social well-being

The aim of "The Human Touch" is to encourage communication and dialogue between the new generations, adults and different segments of society, through an exhibition dedicated to the theme of social wellbeing. Creativity is enhanced as original languages and perspectives, linguistic and cultural variety, and the opportunity for everyone to express themselves in a relational mode characterized by attention, respect and kindness is promoted.  

The exhibition took place in two cities:

  • October 7 to 28, 2023 in Lignano Sabbiadoro, at the Istituto Pietro Savorgnan di Brazzà Flyer 
  • April 4 to 14, 2024 in Gorizia, at the Exhibition Hall of the Auditorium della Cultura Friulana Flyer

This digital catalog includes all the works exposed in the two venues.