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Parallel reality

by Davide Marizza

  • Umetnik

    Davide Marizza

  • Naslov

    Parallel reality

  • Leto


  • Izrazna oblika

    olje na platnu

"Parallel Reality" wants to represent a medieval woman covered by a white cloth in the center of a room; she is waiting to be tried for witchcraft and, now resigned to her fate, she reveals all of her emotions in that moment, while time and space are totally blocked around her, extrapolating the scene from earthly reality and elevating it to something more abstract, almost as if everything that happens was a dream. The representation plays on the contrast of two realities, that is the static and calm of the surrounding environment and the night and the agitated one full of madness, anger and despair of the woman and the faces of her emotions.

The project was created for participation in the competition "Follia: è violenza, è creatività, è un turbine entro cui non trovar pace!" (Madness: it is violence, it is creativity, it is a whirlwind in which not to find peace!) organized by the Municipality of Gorizia within the project GORIZIA, feminine, singular.