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La liende dal Silveri (the legend of Silverio)

by Nicole Coceancig - live performance in Lignano 7/10/2023 with Eva Miola and Sofia Cappello

  • Umetnik

    Nicole Coceancig (voice and guitar), Eva Miola (violin) and Sofia Cappello (installation)

  • Leto


The discomfort that a human being can feel once inserted in a social context different from his own, is one of the themes that our work addresses: the Balkan route and those who cross it have the right to be told, with respect and kindness, to be known and understood. Music and art meet to tell the story of the young Zohra and her journey that begins in Pakistan and ends in Friuli Venezia Giulia, more precisely in Carnia, where Zohra will come across the story of a local legend that will make her reflect on a fundamental theme: the physical boundary and the importance given by human beings in every part of the world.

Nicole Coceancig: voice and guitar "La liende dal Silveri"
Eva Miola: violin
Sofia Cappello: installation "At some point the Dolphins" 

Live performance