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The puzzle of the communication

by Gaetano D. G. - Nicole C. - Sara C. - Giada M. - Gianluigi D. S. - Vanessa G.

  • Šola

    Liceo C. Percoto

  • Izobraževalni tečaj

    TESSERE - Teens Empowering Social Skills 2021

  • Avtorji

    Gaetano D. G. - Nicole C. - Sara C. - Giada M. - Gianluigi D. S. - Vanessa G.

  • Naslov

    The puzzle of the communication

  • Tehnika


In the first drawing we can notice an absent nonverbal communication: the two characters are standing opposite each other and the pieces of puzzle, which represent different words, don't fit together. The cold colors represent the communication distance between the characters. In the second drawing the situation is reversed: the two people are sitting opposite each other at a table, and they are communicating through non-verbal gestures. The two puzzle pieces fit together perfectly creating a good communication, also highlighted by the warm colors of the cartoon.

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